

Introductory phase (EF): In the early stages of teaching computer science in the EF there are different approaches eg with Greenfoot. Here I will but introduce projects realized with Netbeans. the first projects deal with simple graphics and string manipulations. Based on the graphic examples, an entrance to the object-oriented programming (ball as moving circle, billiard ball subclass of ball knows a pool table, circle and square as a subclass of the abstract class figure, polymorphism, etc.).

Qualifying phase I (Q1): A first project deals with recursive algorithms, then various projects follow on "Linear Data Structures" (List, Stack, Queue) and on the theme of "Searching and Sorting". Finally, projects are being implemented to tree structures.

Qualification Phase II (Q2): Here various projects for client / server programming are presented.

Informatics Q2


The entry into the network programming is demonstrated by several examples. IYou usually start with the (simpler) programming of clients before some of the servers become a subject. Simple examples are echo-echo client and server, time client and time server, chat client and chat server. At the end of the sequence the game Tic-Tac-Toe is discussed. The implementation of the client is quite simple (the player makes his selection by clicking on the appropriate button), implementing the server makes more trouble: it must on the one hand, all playing fields of the various clients store in a list and have a game plan.